
Change log

  • Version-2.0.0 12 Apr 2016

    toKernel - Universal PHP Framework - CHANGELOG ============================================== Version 2.0.0 - 12/04/2016 -------------------------- Welcome aboard on next generation of toKernel Framework! - Professional solution to build perfect RESTFul API for your mobile applications. - Easy way to develop a project wirh Frontend and Backend access. - A lot of abilities to make modules of controllers as many as possible with splitting by your business logic and ideas. - Database abstraction layer with model development and CRUD. Let's say: so many things were changed and re-developed to make your development cycle easy and flexible! ----------------------------------------- Debugging 1. Removed debugging information from web pages bottom. Of course, we always able to see debug information in debug log files. 2. Removed debug information items "debug_mode", "debug_mode_ajax" in section [RUN_MODE] from application configuration file. Files: /application/config/application.ini /tokernel.framework/templates/debug.tpl.php Language parsing in CLI (Command line interface) mode 1. The CLI runtime accepts only English language. 2. Removed items "cli_parse_language", "cli_default_language", "cli_allowed_languages" in section [CLI] from configuration file. Files: /application/config/application.ini /tokernel.framework/lib/cli.lib.php Language parsing in HTTP mode 1. It is possible to detect browser language to set. If the value of item "http_catch_browser_language" is 1 in application configuarion file, The language of browser will be detected and set if allowed in allowed languages. 2. New item "http_catch_browser_language" added into section [HTTP] in application configuration file. Files: /application/config/application.ini /tokernel.framework/lib/url.lib.php Parsing parameters from URL 1. Functionality of parsing parameters from url as assoc (item1/value1/item2/value2) removed. It is now possible to parse parameters only as is (value1/value2/valueN). 2. Removed item "http_params_mode" from section [HTTP] in application configuration file. Files: /application/config/application.ini /tokernel.framework/lib/url.lib.php Photo Library 1. Photo file processing class library deprecated (removed) File: /application/config/photos.ini /tokernel.framework/lib/photo.lib.php Framework kernel base files. 1. Some files of base classes moved or added to tokernel.framework/base/ directory 2. Addon base class library - Version 4.0.0 3. Base database model class = Version 1.0.0 4. Module base class library - Version 3.0.0 5. Base View class - Version 2.0.0 Files: /tokernel.framework/base/addon.class.php /tokernel.framework/base/model.class.php /tokernel.framework/base/module.class.php /tokernel.framework/base/view.class.php Addons 1. Changed the way to access addons. Instead of: $this->lib->addons->some_addon; Calling: $this->addons->some_addon; This gives effect to all files of application: addons, mudules, views. 2. Method get_modules() removed from addon kernel class. 3. Addon Class constructor defined only with $params array argument, instead of more than one arguments. class user_addon extends addon { public function __construct($params) { parent::__construct($params); } } File: /tokernel.framework/kernel/addons.class.php /tokernel.framework/base/addon.class.php Modules 1. Removed the way to get module object by addon getter method. Instead of: $this->module_name->some_function(); It is required to load module object $module = $this->load_module('module_name'); $module->->some_function(); 3. Module constructor defined only with parameter $params instead of many parameters. class user_auth_module extends module { public function __construct($params) { parent::__construct($params); } } Files: /tokernel.framework/kernel/addons.class.php /tokernel.framework/base/addon.class.php /tokernel.framework/base/module.class.php Application global values access This approach is very useful to use in addons and templates. 1. Set global value to application with method $this->app->set_var($item, $value); 2. Get global value from application with method $this->app->get_var($item); 3. Get all global values of application $this->app->get_vars(); File: /tokernel.framework/kernel/app.http.class.php Error 404 - page not found 1. Now the Error 404 page will be loaded from current run mode. Each mode backend and frontend has own error 404 template file. 2. Template file has ability to use any of widget and include css and js files like other templates do. 3. Removed functionality of Error 404 from application Error handler. 4. Removed redirection of Error 404. It is now not possible to redirect to some url, if page not found. If page not found, than page not found :) 5. Removed item "redirect_404" in section [HTTP] from application configuration file. 6. Removed item "show_errors_404" in section [ERROR_HANDLING] from application configuration file. 7. If Logging 404 error is enabled, The Client IP will be logged with error message. Same for Debug log. This will log the Client IP in Debug message with Error 404 Message. File: /application/config/application.ini /tokernel.framework/kernel/app.http.class.php /tokernel.framework/kernel/e.core.class.php /tokernel.framework/kernel/e.http.class.php /application/templates/backend/error_404.tpl.php /application/templates/frontend/error_404.tpl.php Template initialization 1. It is now possible to set template name with variables. $this->app->set_template( 'user_login', // Template name array( 'screen_logo' => 'hello.jpg', 'word' => 'Hello User!' ) ); In the template file we can use values as:


    Same approach works for view files loading. See bellow. Aliasing aka Routing 1. Removed Aliasing functionality with files. 2. It is now Routing functionality available with a lot of advantages. Files: /tokernel.framework/kernel/routing.class.php /application/config/routes.ini Pagination library 1. New Version of pagination library Veersion 2.0.0 File: /tokernel.framework/lib/pagination.lib.php Data filtering class library Version 2.0.0 1. It is now possible to get Global arrays such as _PUT and _DELETE for RESTFul API development. $this->lib->filter->put('item_name'); $this->lib->filter->delete('item_name'); File: /tokernel.framework/lib/filter.lib.php a Data Encryption library Version 1.0.0 1. Simple encryption library implementation of AES-256 encryption in CBC mode that uses PBKDF2 to create encryption key out of plain-text password and HMAC to authenticate the encrypted message. File: /tokernel.framework/lib/encryption.lib.php Base classes for addons, modules, views, models 1. In the application/base directory we have all possible base classes to extend for addons, modules, views, models 2. It is possible to pass this option and just define class as before like: class test_addon extends addon {} This will extend main parent adon class from framework. However, the main goal to define an addon class and extend to base is to make some development/additional base functionality for adon and extend it: class test_addon extends base_addon {} where the base_addon class is customized depends on your needs. Same feature available for modules, models, views. Directory: /application/base/ Files: /application/base/base_addon.class.php /application/base/base_model.class.php /application/base/base_module.class.php /application/base/base_view.class.php Kernel Hooks vile version 1.1.0 1. It is now $this->addon object accessible in each application hook file. File: /tokernel.framework/kernel/hooks.class.php Predefined constants 1. Some constants removed due to the state of unused. TK_ERROR_404 TK_AMP TK_SP TK_PPREV TK_PNEXT TK_COPY 2. Some new constants added for libraries usage TK_APP_INI TK_ROUTES_INI TK_DB_CONFIG_INI TK_EMAIL_CONFIG_INI TK_CACHING_CONFIG_INI 3. Renamed constants TK_APP_PATH -> TK_ROOT_PATH TK_CUSTOM_PATH -> TK_APP_PATH TK_CUSTOM_DIR -> TK_APP_DIR File: /tokernel.framework/config/constants.php Source code compression library Version 1.0.0 1. Compress and combine the list of files to one. This library is very useful if you want to compress and combine more than one javascript or CSS files to cache. File: tokernel.framework/lib/compress.lib.php Multilanguage support 1. From toKernel version 2.0.0 Languages supported only by application. Addons and modules not supporting own language files. However the language usage is same for addons, modules and view filess. Just in case, the method language() recalling the application's language() method insteadof own. Files: /tokernel.framework/kernel/addons.class.php /tokernel.framework/base/addon.class.php /tokernel.framework/base/module.class.php /tokernel.framework/base/view.class.php New functionality of Cache libraries 1. It is now possible to get instance of new cache library defined in /application/config/caching.ini 2. New Type of caching library "apcucache" Version 1.0.0 Files: /application/config/caching.ini /tokernel.framework/lib/cache.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/cache/cache_base.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/cache/apcucache.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/cache/filecache.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/cache/memcache.lib.php Database abstraction layer 1. Database abstraction layer: New approach to work with databases For now supports: MySQL, PostreSQL, Sqlite This is another kind of database modules development and database access. 2. It is possible to work with many instances of database layers defined in /application/config/databases.ini 3.Ability to create models for Database access /addons/{addon_name}/models/{model_name}.model.php 4. Models can be located in subdirectories. 5. Models can be extended 6. Models can be loaded with method load_model() as the modules and view loading. Files: /application/config/databases.ini /tokernel.framework/base/model.class.php /tokernel.framework/lib/db.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/db/db_base.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/db/mysql/db_mysql.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/db/mysql/db_mysql_query_result.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/db/postgresql/db_postgresql.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/db/postgresql/db_postgresql_query_result.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/db/sqlite/db_sqlite.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/db/sqlite/db_sqlite_query_result.lib.php New Version of email libraries 1. It is now possible to use more than one type of email protocols in one application depends on configuration. Email configuration file: /application/config/email.ini 2. Now, each type of email protocol have it's own library Supported protocols: phpmail, sendmail, smtp 3. It is possible to totally debug email sending which can be defined in configuration section. Files: /application/config/email.ini /tokernel.framework/lib/email.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/email/email_base.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/email/phpmail.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/email/sendmail.lib.php /tokernel.framework/lib/email/smtp.lib.php Routing instead of aliasing. 1. In this new version of toKernel framework we have a new approach of URL parsing and routing. Routing defined and explained in /application/config/routes.ini Files: /application/config/routes.ini /tokernel.framework/kernel/routing.class.php /tokernel.framework/lib/url.lib.php New type of widget definition 1. Ability to define widgets in template file to access directly to module method. Call method "c" of Module "b" of addon "a" Instead of call addon's method only. Another example, where the module file located in "widgets" subdirectory: Files: /tokernel.framework/lib/template.lib.php Application global values set and get in HTTP mode 1. Methods: set_var(), get_var(), get_vars() allows to get and set application global values. For example: it is possible to set value in some addon or module and get it in template file. Files: /tokernel.framework/kernel/app.http.class.php Template with defined values 1. When defining application main template in HTTP mode, it is possible to define values Example: $this->app->set_template( 'templatename', array( 'var1' => 'val1', 'var2' => 'val2' ) ); This values can be used/echoed in template file as {var.var1}, {var.var2} Files: /tokernel.framework/kernel/app.http.class.php /tokernel.framework/lib/template.lib.php Global values in templates and view files 1. Application default and user defined values accessible in templates and view files. Application default values: Base url: Base url with language: App URL: {var.app_url} Theme name: green2015 Theme URL: Theme images URL: {var.theme_images_url} Theme js url: {var.theme_js_url} Theme css url: {var.theme_css_url} Uploads url: Language prefix: en Date: 19/04/2024 Year: 2024 Month: 04 Day: 19 2. Also it is possible to define value in app->set_template() and this->load_view() functionality. 3. In any part of code where the application instance is available as $this->app we can set: $this->app->set_var('name', 'David'); and in any view file or template file output the values as {} Files: /tokernel.framework/kernel/app.http.class.php /tokernel.framework/lib/template.lib.php /tokernel.framework/base/view.class.php Location of Modules, Views, Models 1. Models, Modules, View files can be located in subdirectories depends on your needs. Template library Version 2 1. It is possible to load and parse template in any part of code. Example: $template_obj = $this->lib->template->instance( 'template_name', array ( 'var1' => 'val1', 'var2' => 'val2', ) ); $complete_buffer = $template_obj->run(); echo $complete_buffer; Files: /tokernel.framework/lib/template.lib.php New Generator library Version 1 1. New experimental library to generate random data like: Username, email, password, host, etc... File: tokernel.framework/lib/generator.lib.php End of file